Advantages over other treatments – CoolMini, Kybella, Liposuction
There are number of other treatments that are similar in their approach or desired result but most will have some drawback such as longer recovery times or unreliable outcomes. Here are some examples of alternative options in the treatment of fat reduction:
CoolMini (by CoolSculpting): This system uses the opposite method to eliminate fatty areas in that it “freezes” fat cells until they die. The body flushes out the fat and the dead cells in the same way as the SculpSure® device via the lymphatic system. There are mixed reports on the success of this method – good contouring or definition might not be achieved without a number of attempts.
Kybella: This is a very different method, using a prescribed injection. There are associated risks with this kind of therapy such as adverse reactions to the serum or even nerve damage. Essentially this is a more invasive technique and therefore safety concerns will be your number 1 priority. Downtime while recovering needs to be factored in.
Traditional Liposuction: The original and conventional approach to fat reduction is through vacuum suction. Although minimally invasive through fine needles, this method does present more risks than the SculpSure® method. Size/fat reduction is the aim with this procedure rather than perfecting contours and this is sometimes the preferred method for larger areas of the body.
Reasons why you should choose the SculpSure® system:
- Patients report outstanding success and satisfaction rates.
- Customisable adaptor to suit each patient’s needs.
- A quick process requiring no down time.
- Pain free.
- Does not affect surrounding areas of skin/flesh.
- A natural process for fat elimination via the lymphatic system.
- Fat cells are destroyed, therefore fat cannot resettle in the area.
It is probably this last point that makes the SculpSure® a superior treatment to other methods and devices. The total number of fat cells a person holds in any one area of the body is determined around the time of puberty. These cells will simply fill up or empty of fatty tissue during times of weight gain or weight loss. The actual cells never diminish. But with the SculpSure® system these cells are destroyed via the agitation caused by the heat from the laser. This means a permanent removal of fat cells in the treated area of the body.